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Monday, December 8, 2014
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Friday, October 17, 2014
It’s that candy corn–coated time of year again
It’s that candy corn–coated time of year again, full of playful guises, pumpkin carving, and trick-or-treating. It’s Halloween! Which means many things, one of which is that your friends fully expect you to leave work in full costume—on a weekday—to attend their costume party on time. While the possibility of scooting out of the office early only to have your colleagues catch you in full ghoulish makeup is enough to want to skip out on the gathering itself, don’t worry—you don’t have to go full Frankenstein-face in the cubicle. From Daria to Lolita, here are six transitional costumes that make it easy for you to transform your work look into a Halloween party–appropriate costume . . . without scaring your boss.
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Thursday, October 9, 2014
Ausstellung "Give Love Back": Dieser DJ remixt die Angewandte Kunst
Ausstellung "Give Love Back": Dieser DJ remixt die Angewandte Kunst
Es gibt sie noch, die hübsch bemalten Porzellantellerchen, zarten Trinkgefäße und das gute alte Silberbesteck. Aus dem Alltag sind sie zwar fast verschwunden, aber in den großen deutschen Museen für Angewandte Kunst werden sie gehortet. Allein das Frankfurter Museum besitzt 65.000 Exponate, und die findet man dort offenbar alles andere als alt und altmodisch. Denn das lichte Haus am Museumsufer, gebaut vom amerikanischen Architekten Richard Meier, macht sich auf, die Frage nach dem, was Angewandte Kunst heute sein kann, neu zu stellen. Und avanciert damit zum ersten deutschen Museum für Lifestyle, für urbane Szenen und gelebte Hypes.
Logisch ist es daher, dass die Museumsleute das Spielfeld einem der größten Hype-Experten Deutschlands und Trendsetter vor Ort überlassen. Die Rede ist von DJ Ata, der einem der umtriebigsten Geister der Technowelt. Erfolgreich haben er und seine Freunde das Museum gekapert und es dank ihres großen kreativen Netzwerkes in einen Concept Store mit Music-, Fashion-, Design- und Food-Angebot verwandelt. Titel der Ausstellung: "Give Love Back".
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Tanzen, Essen, Kaufen - Klubs, Cafés und Concept Stores
Als Inhaber und Gründer des inzwischen legendären Clubs Robert Johnson in Offenbach sowie verschiedener angesagter Restaurant-Cafés im Bahnhofsviertel wie dem Plank und dem Club Michel, hat Ata maßgeblich dazu beigetragen, dass Frankfurt, ehemals als Banker-City und Mainhattan verschrien, heute auf den Städte-Hype-Listen ganz oben steht. Selbst die "New York Times" nennt Frankfurt als einzige deutsche Stadt an 12. Stelle von 52 Orten, "die man 2014 bereisen sollte". Vor allen Dingen wegen des aktuellen Booms an Restaurants und Klubs.
Wenn Frankfurt heute also als cool gilt, dann ist das also auch Atas Verdienst. Als Athanassios Macias wurde er 1968 in Frankfurt als Sohn spanisch-griechischer Eltern geboren. Er war immer mehr als nur DJ und Klubbetreiber. So gründete er 1991 zusammen mit Jörg Heinze Delirium, den ersten Schallplatten- und Clubwear-Store Deutschlands, und eröffnete 1999 mit dem Bergmann den ersten deutschen Concept Store - alle Objekte, mochten sie noch so banal sein, wurden wie kleine Inkunabeln auf Podesten in Glasvitrinen präsentiert. Und Ata Macias ist ein hervorragender Grafiker. Kein Wunder, dass international bekannte Künstler wie Tobias Rehberger oder Michael Riedel zu seinen Freunden und Weggefährten gehören, ebenso wie Christoph Keller, ehemals Verleger des Revolver-Verlags und inzwischen erfolgreicher Gin-Brenner.
So hat Ata Macias immer wieder alles auf- und zusammengemischt: Design und Kunst, Fashion, Food und Musik und mit ihnen vor allem die Protagonisten, die jetzt gemeinsam die Räumlichkeiten des Museums neu gestalten und zur Partizipation einladen.
Angucken, Aneignen, Mixen und Transformieren
"Die Tätigkeiten des DJs und kreativen Unternehmers Ata Macias verbinden Design und Mode, Klubkultur und Essen; sie sind gekennzeichnet von Strategien der Aneignung, des Mixens und des Transformierens", erklären die beiden Kuratorinnen Eva Linhart und Mahret Kupka das Ausstellungskonzept. Sie sehen ihn als einen Gestalter, der "durch Re-Kombinationen Räume und Objekte entwirft und Lebenswelten gestaltet, und dadurch Projekte und Prozesse initiiert, die das Wesen angewandter Kunst ausmachen."
Der Titel der Schau "Give Love Back" ist ein Zitat vom Buchcover "Come On In My Kitchen - The Robert Johnson Book". Es symbolisiert sozusagen das "Ata-Prinzip" in Reinform: Am Prozess und der Entstehung eines Werkes sind Benutzer und Besucher maßgeblich beteiligt.
So entsteht ein bunter Basar: Zu sehen sind T-Shirts, Plakate, Schmuck, Schallplattencover oder auch Möbel aus Atas Cafés und Klubs sowie eigens entworfene neue Editionen und ein Magazin. Außerdem gibt es eine Siebdruckwerkstatt mit dem Werkstattleiter der Städelschule, Christian Zickler, der mit Ata Macias bereits T-Shirts und Plakate produzierte.
Ata Macias re-kombiniert Objekte lieber, anstatt sie zu entsorgen. Also greift er das Thema "Upcycling" in einem Lehrerworkshop auf und agiert darin ganz im Sinne des "Ata-Prinzips": "Give Love Back". Das tut er auch, wenn er in einem weiteren Teil der Ausstellung historische Trinkgläser aus der Sammlung präsentiert. Zusammen mit den Obstbränden von Christoph Keller, die dort verkostet werden, und einigen Publikationen aus dessen Tätigkeit als Verleger und Buchgestalter, werden sie zu einer "Bibliothek des Erlesenen" kombiniert. Und wenn das die neue Idee des Angewandten ist, dann könnten Kunstgewerbe-Museen bald als ziemlich cool gelten.
Es gibt sie noch, die hübsch bemalten Porzellantellerchen, zarten Trinkgefäße und das gute alte Silberbesteck. Aus dem Alltag sind sie zwar fast verschwunden, aber in den großen deutschen Museen für Angewandte Kunst werden sie gehortet. Allein das Frankfurter Museum besitzt 65.000 Exponate, und die findet man dort offenbar alles andere als alt und altmodisch. Denn das lichte Haus am Museumsufer, gebaut vom amerikanischen Architekten Richard Meier, macht sich auf, die Frage nach dem, was Angewandte Kunst heute sein kann, neu zu stellen. Und avanciert damit zum ersten deutschen Museum für Lifestyle, für urbane Szenen und gelebte Hypes.
Logisch ist es daher, dass die Museumsleute das Spielfeld einem der größten Hype-Experten Deutschlands und Trendsetter vor Ort überlassen. Die Rede ist von DJ Ata, der einem der umtriebigsten Geister der Technowelt. Erfolgreich haben er und seine Freunde das Museum gekapert und es dank ihres großen kreativen Netzwerkes in einen Concept Store mit Music-, Fashion-, Design- und Food-Angebot verwandelt. Titel der Ausstellung: "Give Love Back".
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Tanzen, Essen, Kaufen - Klubs, Cafés und Concept Stores
Als Inhaber und Gründer des inzwischen legendären Clubs Robert Johnson in Offenbach sowie verschiedener angesagter Restaurant-Cafés im Bahnhofsviertel wie dem Plank und dem Club Michel, hat Ata maßgeblich dazu beigetragen, dass Frankfurt, ehemals als Banker-City und Mainhattan verschrien, heute auf den Städte-Hype-Listen ganz oben steht. Selbst die "New York Times" nennt Frankfurt als einzige deutsche Stadt an 12. Stelle von 52 Orten, "die man 2014 bereisen sollte". Vor allen Dingen wegen des aktuellen Booms an Restaurants und Klubs.
Wenn Frankfurt heute also als cool gilt, dann ist das also auch Atas Verdienst. Als Athanassios Macias wurde er 1968 in Frankfurt als Sohn spanisch-griechischer Eltern geboren. Er war immer mehr als nur DJ und Klubbetreiber. So gründete er 1991 zusammen mit Jörg Heinze Delirium, den ersten Schallplatten- und Clubwear-Store Deutschlands, und eröffnete 1999 mit dem Bergmann den ersten deutschen Concept Store - alle Objekte, mochten sie noch so banal sein, wurden wie kleine Inkunabeln auf Podesten in Glasvitrinen präsentiert. Und Ata Macias ist ein hervorragender Grafiker. Kein Wunder, dass international bekannte Künstler wie Tobias Rehberger oder Michael Riedel zu seinen Freunden und Weggefährten gehören, ebenso wie Christoph Keller, ehemals Verleger des Revolver-Verlags und inzwischen erfolgreicher Gin-Brenner.
So hat Ata Macias immer wieder alles auf- und zusammengemischt: Design und Kunst, Fashion, Food und Musik und mit ihnen vor allem die Protagonisten, die jetzt gemeinsam die Räumlichkeiten des Museums neu gestalten und zur Partizipation einladen.
Angucken, Aneignen, Mixen und Transformieren
"Die Tätigkeiten des DJs und kreativen Unternehmers Ata Macias verbinden Design und Mode, Klubkultur und Essen; sie sind gekennzeichnet von Strategien der Aneignung, des Mixens und des Transformierens", erklären die beiden Kuratorinnen Eva Linhart und Mahret Kupka das Ausstellungskonzept. Sie sehen ihn als einen Gestalter, der "durch Re-Kombinationen Räume und Objekte entwirft und Lebenswelten gestaltet, und dadurch Projekte und Prozesse initiiert, die das Wesen angewandter Kunst ausmachen."
Der Titel der Schau "Give Love Back" ist ein Zitat vom Buchcover "Come On In My Kitchen - The Robert Johnson Book". Es symbolisiert sozusagen das "Ata-Prinzip" in Reinform: Am Prozess und der Entstehung eines Werkes sind Benutzer und Besucher maßgeblich beteiligt.
So entsteht ein bunter Basar: Zu sehen sind T-Shirts, Plakate, Schmuck, Schallplattencover oder auch Möbel aus Atas Cafés und Klubs sowie eigens entworfene neue Editionen und ein Magazin. Außerdem gibt es eine Siebdruckwerkstatt mit dem Werkstattleiter der Städelschule, Christian Zickler, der mit Ata Macias bereits T-Shirts und Plakate produzierte.
Ata Macias re-kombiniert Objekte lieber, anstatt sie zu entsorgen. Also greift er das Thema "Upcycling" in einem Lehrerworkshop auf und agiert darin ganz im Sinne des "Ata-Prinzips": "Give Love Back". Das tut er auch, wenn er in einem weiteren Teil der Ausstellung historische Trinkgläser aus der Sammlung präsentiert. Zusammen mit den Obstbränden von Christoph Keller, die dort verkostet werden, und einigen Publikationen aus dessen Tätigkeit als Verleger und Buchgestalter, werden sie zu einer "Bibliothek des Erlesenen" kombiniert. Und wenn das die neue Idee des Angewandten ist, dann könnten Kunstgewerbe-Museen bald als ziemlich cool gelten.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Ciara Returns Future’s $500K Engagement Ring
Ciara Returns Future’s $500K Engagement Ring
Ciara is not getting back with Future, and sources say she gave back her 15-carat emerald-cut engagement ring, designed by Avianne & Co. and worth about $500,000.
They were engaged in October, but split in August after rumors swirled of him cheating.
Ciara stepped out at Paris fashion week’s Lanvin and Givenchy shows.
Friends of Ciara, who’s working on another album, tell us she’s “definitely not getting back together” with the rapper, and is focused on being a mom to their son, Future Jr.
Hey, now Future could get his money back, and use that dough to cover child support. Win, win. As for Ciara, photographers mistook her for Rihanna at Paris Fashion Week.
Don’t hold y’all breath on this latest break up sticking, though. Wholesale Hip Hop Clothing Hip Hop Clothing Brands
Ciara is not getting back with Future, and sources say she gave back her 15-carat emerald-cut engagement ring, designed by Avianne & Co. and worth about $500,000.
They were engaged in October, but split in August after rumors swirled of him cheating.
Ciara stepped out at Paris fashion week’s Lanvin and Givenchy shows.
Friends of Ciara, who’s working on another album, tell us she’s “definitely not getting back together” with the rapper, and is focused on being a mom to their son, Future Jr.
Hey, now Future could get his money back, and use that dough to cover child support. Win, win. As for Ciara, photographers mistook her for Rihanna at Paris Fashion Week.
Don’t hold y’all breath on this latest break up sticking, though. Wholesale Hip Hop Clothing Hip Hop Clothing Brands
Monday, September 15, 2014
To be a powerful and elegant woman like Cleopatra
To be a powerful and elegant woman like Cleopatra
Have you ever watched the movie which is named Cleopatra who is a very sexy and charming Egyptian Queen? In the movie, she was a farseeing woman. Finally, she became an queen of Egypt. I admire her, not only because her beautiful appearance, but her methods to make herself become a powerful woman who conduct a whole country. As a modern woman, what we should do is to make ourselves more independent. We can live without man. We can decide our own fate. If you want to become a powerful woman just like Cleopatra, I think you can make your dream come true in this coming Halloween.
So I would like to introduce this kind of costume, which is Exotic Egyptian Queen Style Glossy White Long Gown Sparkling Silk Gold Sequence Sheer Purple Accents. This costume is similar to the Cleopatra’s wearing in the movie, especially the head accessaries. The whole costume is very elegant. I think the designer must be very careful, she must consider the details of a queen so that she can design this costume very attractive.
If you are still thinking about which costume to wear on the Halloween night, why not try this Cleopatra costume to make you a powerful woman?
Have you ever watched the movie which is named Cleopatra who is a very sexy and charming Egyptian Queen? In the movie, she was a farseeing woman. Finally, she became an queen of Egypt. I admire her, not only because her beautiful appearance, but her methods to make herself become a powerful woman who conduct a whole country. As a modern woman, what we should do is to make ourselves more independent. We can live without man. We can decide our own fate. If you want to become a powerful woman just like Cleopatra, I think you can make your dream come true in this coming Halloween.
So I would like to introduce this kind of costume, which is Exotic Egyptian Queen Style Glossy White Long Gown Sparkling Silk Gold Sequence Sheer Purple Accents. This costume is similar to the Cleopatra’s wearing in the movie, especially the head accessaries. The whole costume is very elegant. I think the designer must be very careful, she must consider the details of a queen so that she can design this costume very attractive.
If you are still thinking about which costume to wear on the Halloween night, why not try this Cleopatra costume to make you a powerful woman?
Monday, September 8, 2014
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Jackie Chan’s son Jaycee in drug arrest
The son of Hollywood actor Jackie Chan has been arrested on drug-related charges, Chinese state media say.
Actor Jaycee Chan, 31, and Taiwanese movie star Kai Ko, 23, were detained last Thursday, Beijing police said in a statement on their official microblog.
Police said both men tested positive for marijuana, with more than 100 grams of the drug found at Mr Chan’s home.
Their arrest comes amid an ongoing crackdown on drugs which has already netted several celebrity figures.
Gao Hu, 40, who appeared in the 2011 Zhang Yimou film “The Flowers of War”, was detained earlier this month for possession of marijuana and methamphetamines, state media said.
‘Huge influence’
In June, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for “forceful measures” to tackle illegal drug use.
By arresting the son of one of the country’s most famous actors, the Chinese authorities are sending a clear sign that drugs will not be tolerated, reports the BBC’s Martin Patience in Beijing.
A government anti-drug advisor told the Associated Press news agency that Chinese celebrities were being targeted because of the “huge influence” their behaviour had on “their large numbers of fans”.
77025302 85765081(1) Jackie Chans son Jaycee in drug arrest
Jaycee’s father and martial arts star Jackie (Right) has travelled to Beijing to assist, his publicist says
77025295 hi023549109 Jackie Chans son Jaycee in drug arrest
Jaycee Chan (L) and Kai Ko (R) are the latest celebrities to be netted in the high-profiled crackdown
77025298 hi023490476 Jackie Chans son Jaycee in drug arrest
Chinese actor Gao Hu was arrested in August for drug possession
Beijing Municipal Anti-Drug Office deputy director Jin Zhihai however, said that police were not specifically targeting celebrities.
“If there is an increased crackdown on drugs, the number of celebrity offenders will also rise,” he told the Beijing Times on 14 August.
Last week, 42 artist management agencies in Beijing signed an agreement with police pledging not to recruit celebrities with reported drug use problems.
‘Very big mistake’
Mr Chan, whose father Jackie was named an official “Narcotics Control Ambassador” by Chinese police in 2009, had been put under “criminal detention” for the suspected crime of “providing a shelter for others to abuse drugs”, Beijing police said.
If convicted, he faces a maximum prison term of three years.
Mr Ko, a Taiwanese actor and singer, won the best new actor award in 2011 at the Golden Horse film awards – known as the Oscars of the Chinese-language film industry. He also won a Chinese Film Media award for his role in the movie “You Are the Apple of My Eye”.
Accused of consuming drugs, Mr Ko had received a two-week detention term, his management firm Star Ritz Productions said.
“I feel very regretful, very sorry to all the people who support me. I’ve been a very bad example, I’ve made a very big mistake,” he said in an interview broadcast on Chinese state television on Tuesday.
Beijing police also said two other people, a 36-year-old assistant and a 33-year-old suspected dealer, were detained in the incident.
Mr Chan’s management firm M’Stones International apologised on his behalf for the “social impact” caused and said they would “supervise his rehabilitation and help him return to the right path”.
His father Jackie has not yet commented on the incident but his publicist told the Associated Press news agency that Mr Chan had travelled to Beijing to deal with his son’s arrest. cheap sexy lingerie Wholesale Halloween Costumes Sexy Halloween Costumes Online
The son of Hollywood actor Jackie Chan has been arrested on drug-related charges, Chinese state media say.
Actor Jaycee Chan, 31, and Taiwanese movie star Kai Ko, 23, were detained last Thursday, Beijing police said in a statement on their official microblog.
Police said both men tested positive for marijuana, with more than 100 grams of the drug found at Mr Chan’s home.
Their arrest comes amid an ongoing crackdown on drugs which has already netted several celebrity figures.
Gao Hu, 40, who appeared in the 2011 Zhang Yimou film “The Flowers of War”, was detained earlier this month for possession of marijuana and methamphetamines, state media said.
‘Huge influence’
In June, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for “forceful measures” to tackle illegal drug use.
By arresting the son of one of the country’s most famous actors, the Chinese authorities are sending a clear sign that drugs will not be tolerated, reports the BBC’s Martin Patience in Beijing.
A government anti-drug advisor told the Associated Press news agency that Chinese celebrities were being targeted because of the “huge influence” their behaviour had on “their large numbers of fans”.
77025302 85765081(1) Jackie Chans son Jaycee in drug arrest
Jaycee’s father and martial arts star Jackie (Right) has travelled to Beijing to assist, his publicist says
77025295 hi023549109 Jackie Chans son Jaycee in drug arrest
Jaycee Chan (L) and Kai Ko (R) are the latest celebrities to be netted in the high-profiled crackdown
77025298 hi023490476 Jackie Chans son Jaycee in drug arrest
Chinese actor Gao Hu was arrested in August for drug possession
Beijing Municipal Anti-Drug Office deputy director Jin Zhihai however, said that police were not specifically targeting celebrities.
“If there is an increased crackdown on drugs, the number of celebrity offenders will also rise,” he told the Beijing Times on 14 August.
Last week, 42 artist management agencies in Beijing signed an agreement with police pledging not to recruit celebrities with reported drug use problems.
‘Very big mistake’
Mr Chan, whose father Jackie was named an official “Narcotics Control Ambassador” by Chinese police in 2009, had been put under “criminal detention” for the suspected crime of “providing a shelter for others to abuse drugs”, Beijing police said.
If convicted, he faces a maximum prison term of three years.
Mr Ko, a Taiwanese actor and singer, won the best new actor award in 2011 at the Golden Horse film awards – known as the Oscars of the Chinese-language film industry. He also won a Chinese Film Media award for his role in the movie “You Are the Apple of My Eye”.
Accused of consuming drugs, Mr Ko had received a two-week detention term, his management firm Star Ritz Productions said.
“I feel very regretful, very sorry to all the people who support me. I’ve been a very bad example, I’ve made a very big mistake,” he said in an interview broadcast on Chinese state television on Tuesday.
Beijing police also said two other people, a 36-year-old assistant and a 33-year-old suspected dealer, were detained in the incident.
Mr Chan’s management firm M’Stones International apologised on his behalf for the “social impact” caused and said they would “supervise his rehabilitation and help him return to the right path”.
His father Jackie has not yet commented on the incident but his publicist told the Associated Press news agency that Mr Chan had travelled to Beijing to deal with his son’s arrest. cheap sexy lingerie Wholesale Halloween Costumes Sexy Halloween Costumes Online
Thursday, August 28, 2014
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Mother sobs at sentencing, denies killing her daughter
BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) – A mother who was convicted of killing her 8-year-old daughter was sentenced Tuesday to the maximum: 25 years to life in prison.
Bianca Cartagena was smothered to death and her family fought for three-and-a-half years to bring Candace Cartagena to justice. Erie County Court Judge Thomas Franczyk
found her guilty last month of second degree murder in a non-jury trial.
RELATED | Candace was also convicted of using her deceased daughter as a tax write-off. Her sentence will run concurrently in that case
At sentencing, the 35-year-old spoke for 11 minutes about her daughter, beginning with a defiant statement: “[I'm] not going to admit to a crime I did not mit.”
She went on to tell rambling memories of her daughter’s favorite cartoons and Halloween costumes. At times, Candace’s sobs sounded like laughter.
“She was Barney one year. She was Elmo. She was a punk rocker. And of course Hannah Montana,” Candace said. “I’m so proud of her.”
Her family members looked at their hands and the prosecutor did his best to avoid rolling his eyes as Candace claimed she never missed a school event. Candace’s own
sister, Casie Croff, spoke out against her outside the courtroom, saying the family wrestled with what they would remend for a sentence.
“Candace put her own wants and needs and fears before Bianca’s,” Croff said.
Before sentencing, Croff read a long statement from the family, saying, “[Candace] has never once accepted responsibility for what happened to Bianca.”
“Everyone in the defendant’s world is at fault. Except of course for her,” added Erie County District Attorney Thomas Finnerty. “We’ve never encountered – never
– a more narcissistic defendant than the defendant, Candice Cartagena.”
Before being sentenced, Candace again reiterated that the judge got it wrong.
She said, “I love Bianca. And Bianca knows the truth. God knows the truth. And I know the truth. And I am at peace with that.”
While handing down his verdict last month, Judge Thomas Franczyk called Candace “self-absorbed,” and said she had taken out the collapse of her marriage on her
daughter. The judge said Candace “dashed off a litany of lies” while attempting to mislead her own family and police, even in the hours after she killed Bianca.
The judge says those lies include the newest story of how Bianca died, which Candace told to the Buffalo News in a jailhouse interview, claiming after overdosing on
pills in a suicide attempt, she accidentally rolled onto the sleeping child and smothered her.
That story infuriated her family and District Attorney Frank Sedita.
Croff said, “The lies have got to stop. The stories have got to stop. This has gone on for too long.”
Sedita said, “It’s self-serving bologna. She’s a pathological liar.”
Judge Franczyk showed no mercy, sentencing Candace to 25 years to life.
“I think that does speak to the selfishness of your personality,” he said. “If you were really serious about ending your life you would have done it without drama
and fanfare. It just defies mon sense.”
During the trial, the defense tried to prove Bianca died of a heart condition. However, prosecutors brought in a forensic pathologists who said Bianca died a painful
and violent death by asphyxiation.
Prosecutor Kristin St. Mary said, “In fact the manner in which this defendant chose to kill her daughter went on for a substantial period of time through Bianca’s
loss of consciousness, she had to continue asphyxiating her daughter.”
Ruben Cartagena, Bianca’s father, said, “[Candace is] a killer. She killed her own daughter, which means she can kill anybody. So I would like to see her away for a
long time so she doesn’t do this to anybody else.”
Ruben had been convinced Candace killed their daughter after their marriage unwound, and Bianca was spending more time with her father. Ruben was to take Bianca to
wholesale lingerie Wholesale Halloween Costumes Sexy Halloween Costumes Online Disney World. They had spent Thanksgiving together.
“She was the only one in the house and my daughter was dead. It was kind of a ‘no-brainer’ that she had done it,” Ruben said.
Candace’s defense attorney plans to appeal the verdict based on their claim Bianca had a heart condition.
BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) – A mother who was convicted of killing her 8-year-old daughter was sentenced Tuesday to the maximum: 25 years to life in prison.
Bianca Cartagena was smothered to death and her family fought for three-and-a-half years to bring Candace Cartagena to justice. Erie County Court Judge Thomas Franczyk
found her guilty last month of second degree murder in a non-jury trial.
RELATED | Candace was also convicted of using her deceased daughter as a tax write-off. Her sentence will run concurrently in that case
At sentencing, the 35-year-old spoke for 11 minutes about her daughter, beginning with a defiant statement: “[I'm] not going to admit to a crime I did not mit.”
She went on to tell rambling memories of her daughter’s favorite cartoons and Halloween costumes. At times, Candace’s sobs sounded like laughter.
“She was Barney one year. She was Elmo. She was a punk rocker. And of course Hannah Montana,” Candace said. “I’m so proud of her.”
Her family members looked at their hands and the prosecutor did his best to avoid rolling his eyes as Candace claimed she never missed a school event. Candace’s own
sister, Casie Croff, spoke out against her outside the courtroom, saying the family wrestled with what they would remend for a sentence.
“Candace put her own wants and needs and fears before Bianca’s,” Croff said.
Before sentencing, Croff read a long statement from the family, saying, “[Candace] has never once accepted responsibility for what happened to Bianca.”
“Everyone in the defendant’s world is at fault. Except of course for her,” added Erie County District Attorney Thomas Finnerty. “We’ve never encountered – never
– a more narcissistic defendant than the defendant, Candice Cartagena.”
Before being sentenced, Candace again reiterated that the judge got it wrong.
She said, “I love Bianca. And Bianca knows the truth. God knows the truth. And I know the truth. And I am at peace with that.”
While handing down his verdict last month, Judge Thomas Franczyk called Candace “self-absorbed,” and said she had taken out the collapse of her marriage on her
daughter. The judge said Candace “dashed off a litany of lies” while attempting to mislead her own family and police, even in the hours after she killed Bianca.
The judge says those lies include the newest story of how Bianca died, which Candace told to the Buffalo News in a jailhouse interview, claiming after overdosing on
pills in a suicide attempt, she accidentally rolled onto the sleeping child and smothered her.
That story infuriated her family and District Attorney Frank Sedita.
Croff said, “The lies have got to stop. The stories have got to stop. This has gone on for too long.”
Sedita said, “It’s self-serving bologna. She’s a pathological liar.”
Judge Franczyk showed no mercy, sentencing Candace to 25 years to life.
“I think that does speak to the selfishness of your personality,” he said. “If you were really serious about ending your life you would have done it without drama
and fanfare. It just defies mon sense.”
During the trial, the defense tried to prove Bianca died of a heart condition. However, prosecutors brought in a forensic pathologists who said Bianca died a painful
and violent death by asphyxiation.
Prosecutor Kristin St. Mary said, “In fact the manner in which this defendant chose to kill her daughter went on for a substantial period of time through Bianca’s
loss of consciousness, she had to continue asphyxiating her daughter.”
Ruben Cartagena, Bianca’s father, said, “[Candace is] a killer. She killed her own daughter, which means she can kill anybody. So I would like to see her away for a
long time so she doesn’t do this to anybody else.”
Ruben had been convinced Candace killed their daughter after their marriage unwound, and Bianca was spending more time with her father. Ruben was to take Bianca to
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“She was the only one in the house and my daughter was dead. It was kind of a ‘no-brainer’ that she had done it,” Ruben said.
Candace’s defense attorney plans to appeal the verdict based on their claim Bianca had a heart condition.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
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You Can Wholesale Clothes Online
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Many people think that the designer clothes are very expensive. And there are just few people can access the designer clothes.
However, with the coming of cheap clothes online, people can easily get the designer clothes. The clothes online are affordable, so you can buy them if you are on a budget. You can buy the clothes online at any time and any place if there is a computer for you.
In addition, there are a lot of online stores offer you various styles of cheap clothes for you to choose from. When you buy at wholesale prices at cheap clothing stores online you get to benefit by having a better profit margin if your aim is to resell the clothing. You should however note that cheap wholesale clothing is not for resellers only but also for individuals.
If you want to dress up in a clothes that you are comfortable with, you can still do so by getting clothing at lower prices per unit. Instead of buying a number of units per week or so, you can buy wholesale clothing by buying tens of pieces at a go and go for weeks before replenishing your stock. By buying this way from cheap online clothing stores, you save money due to benefits accorded to you as a wholesaler. The best thing about cheap clothes is that you can you can buy them for the whole family. Wholesale purchases are much cheaper than buying a piece for the whole family weekly.
Of course, you still need to be careful when you are going to buy cheap clothes. Make sure that you check how long the seller has been in business and if there is presence of a physical address so that you can find the shop in case you need to.
If you think that it is very complicated, then you can just log onto, which is a reliable wholesaler offering you various cheap clothes. Please just check out.
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Black Fitted V Neck Sleeveless Harem Pants Jumpsuit LC6584 2 You Can Wholesale Clothes Online
Lover-Fashion, wholesale Black Fitted V Neck Sleeveless Harem Pants Jumpsuit
Many people think that the designer clothes are very expensive. And there are just few people can access the designer clothes.
However, with the coming of cheap clothes online, people can easily get the designer clothes. The clothes online are affordable, so you can buy them if you are on a budget. You can buy the clothes online at any time and any place if there is a computer for you.
In addition, there are a lot of online stores offer you various styles of cheap clothes for you to choose from. When you buy at wholesale prices at cheap clothing stores online you get to benefit by having a better profit margin if your aim is to resell the clothing. You should however note that cheap wholesale clothing is not for resellers only but also for individuals.
If you want to dress up in a clothes that you are comfortable with, you can still do so by getting clothing at lower prices per unit. Instead of buying a number of units per week or so, you can buy wholesale clothing by buying tens of pieces at a go and go for weeks before replenishing your stock. By buying this way from cheap online clothing stores, you save money due to benefits accorded to you as a wholesaler. The best thing about cheap clothes is that you can you can buy them for the whole family. Wholesale purchases are much cheaper than buying a piece for the whole family weekly.
Of course, you still need to be careful when you are going to buy cheap clothes. Make sure that you check how long the seller has been in business and if there is presence of a physical address so that you can find the shop in case you need to.
If you think that it is very complicated, then you can just log onto, which is a reliable wholesaler offering you various cheap clothes. Please just check out.
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Thursday, August 7, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Why Buy Women’s Underwear and Bra Online?
Why Buy Women’s Underwear and Bra Online?
Stars Stripes Scrunch Back Super Micro Shorts LC7663 Why Buy Women’s Underwear and Bra Online?, wholesale Stars & Stripes Scrunch Back Super Micro Shorts
With the introduction of online shopping, women can shop their underwear and bra wisely and comfortably. Internet allows them to shop for bras and underwear in the privacy without facing the salesperson and other customers at the store.
There are many benefits of shopping online and therefore, many women are looking forward to them online rather than offline. When you are shopping online, you do not need stand in long queues at the cashier counter to pay for the products that you like to purchase. Within a matter of few minutes, you can make a payment for products that you liked the most. Hence, shopping online will help you to save a lot of time which you can utilize at some important things.
Convenience is the main reason why many women are gong online for shopping. You can shop there while sitting at home in your pajamas and at anytime of the day or night. When you are shopping online, you do not need to travel to different stores to find the style of bra and underwear you are looking for. Suppose you are looking for push up bra, then you can have access to a wide range of options in the same style of bra by making few clicks.
You can have access to various styles of women underwear and bra online at is one of the largest online wholesalers of sexy underwear, sexy lingerie, fashion dresses, sexy costumes, sexy swimwear and other fashion items. Founded in 2007, boasts more than 5,000 products always in stock and at affordable prices. ensures that every customer will receive a safe, secure and private online shopping experience. Making it easier to buy sexy clothes on is its mission. With unrivaled customer service team, should a question or problem arise, is always willing and able to help. At, every customer can be sexy.
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So, if you are interested in our sexy underwear, you can wholesale at where there is a lot of women’s underwear with affordable prices for you to choose from.
Stars Stripes Scrunch Back Super Micro Shorts LC7663 Why Buy Women’s Underwear and Bra Online?, wholesale Stars & Stripes Scrunch Back Super Micro Shorts
With the introduction of online shopping, women can shop their underwear and bra wisely and comfortably. Internet allows them to shop for bras and underwear in the privacy without facing the salesperson and other customers at the store.
There are many benefits of shopping online and therefore, many women are looking forward to them online rather than offline. When you are shopping online, you do not need stand in long queues at the cashier counter to pay for the products that you like to purchase. Within a matter of few minutes, you can make a payment for products that you liked the most. Hence, shopping online will help you to save a lot of time which you can utilize at some important things.
Convenience is the main reason why many women are gong online for shopping. You can shop there while sitting at home in your pajamas and at anytime of the day or night. When you are shopping online, you do not need to travel to different stores to find the style of bra and underwear you are looking for. Suppose you are looking for push up bra, then you can have access to a wide range of options in the same style of bra by making few clicks.
You can have access to various styles of women underwear and bra online at is one of the largest online wholesalers of sexy underwear, sexy lingerie, fashion dresses, sexy costumes, sexy swimwear and other fashion items. Founded in 2007, boasts more than 5,000 products always in stock and at affordable prices. ensures that every customer will receive a safe, secure and private online shopping experience. Making it easier to buy sexy clothes on is its mission. With unrivaled customer service team, should a question or problem arise, is always willing and able to help. At, every customer can be sexy.
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So, if you are interested in our sexy underwear, you can wholesale at where there is a lot of women’s underwear with affordable prices for you to choose from.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Friday, June 20, 2014
Do you know the way to win the good graces of your beloved lady
Do you know the way to win the good graces of your beloved lady
Beautiful women are usually very proud, and men always have difficulty in getting into their good graces. Men often tried their best to win women’s heart.
Many of them believe sexy lingerie and expensive gift are the way to a woman’s heart. But in fact, they always can’t know what woman is thinking about
Contrary to what many men believe, women think the answer is really simple. You do not have to spend largesums of money to woo a woman – it really is the
thought that counts. The following are the ten best ways to woo her:
1. Cover her eyes and lead her to a lovely surprise
2. Whisk her away somewhere exciting for the weekend
3. Write a song or poem about her
4. Tell her that she is the most wonderful woman you have ever met
5. Run her a relaxing bath after she has had a bad day at work
wholesale bustiers cheap corsets for sale wholesale corsets 6. Send her a romantic text or email, or leave a loving note around the house
7. Wake her up with breakfast in bed
8. Offer her a coat when she is cold
9. Send her a bouquet of flowers, or a box of chocolates at work
10. Make her a compilation of her favorite music
In fact, a woman's request is simple, as long as a man loves her enough. I hope every woman who enters our website will find the simplest happiness.
Brighten up your life with sexy lingerie
Add a spark to your day-- and nights – with sexy lingerie.
You’ve done the long dress(or the very short one), the shoes, the jewels – all the stuff that goes on top. The best time to consider what goes underneath.
Lingerie is once again having a moment.
Fashion is in the throes of revisiting all things 1990s, from grunge to the ubiquitous platform trainers. So perhaps it’s no surprise that the underwear as
outerwear trend is back. This time, however, it is less about what you see, and more about what you don’t.
People increasingly want to subtly show off their lingerie and designers are designing pieces to let them do that. But it’s not showing up for work in a
pencil skirt and a bra; it’s about giving a hint of something. Lingerie is the maximum expression of a woman’s femininity. Instead of covering a woman’s
body, designers prefer to accentuate its qualities.
At the spring/summer 2014 collections shown in Paris in October, Stella McCartney mixed her crisp suiting with sensuous lace-trimmed slip dresses and
camisoles. She wasn’t the only one to mix innerwear and outerwear. The trend has even crossed over the high street. Outerwear and lingerie will intertwine
further next season. Clothing trends on the catwalks for spring will demand a variety of lingerie solutions. Range from “look at me” items such as longline
bralets and camisoles to skin-tone pieces designed to do a disappearing act under sheer fabric.
Of course, sex and fashion have never been strangers. Some people got very extreme and that’s not necessarily sexy. I prefer to leave a little to the
Beautiful women are usually very proud, and men always have difficulty in getting into their good graces. Men often tried their best to win women’s heart.
Many of them believe sexy lingerie and expensive gift are the way to a woman’s heart. But in fact, they always can’t know what woman is thinking about
Contrary to what many men believe, women think the answer is really simple. You do not have to spend largesums of money to woo a woman – it really is the
thought that counts. The following are the ten best ways to woo her:
1. Cover her eyes and lead her to a lovely surprise
2. Whisk her away somewhere exciting for the weekend
3. Write a song or poem about her
4. Tell her that she is the most wonderful woman you have ever met
5. Run her a relaxing bath after she has had a bad day at work
wholesale bustiers cheap corsets for sale wholesale corsets 6. Send her a romantic text or email, or leave a loving note around the house
7. Wake her up with breakfast in bed
8. Offer her a coat when she is cold
9. Send her a bouquet of flowers, or a box of chocolates at work
10. Make her a compilation of her favorite music
In fact, a woman's request is simple, as long as a man loves her enough. I hope every woman who enters our website will find the simplest happiness.
Brighten up your life with sexy lingerie
Add a spark to your day-- and nights – with sexy lingerie.
You’ve done the long dress(or the very short one), the shoes, the jewels – all the stuff that goes on top. The best time to consider what goes underneath.
Lingerie is once again having a moment.
Fashion is in the throes of revisiting all things 1990s, from grunge to the ubiquitous platform trainers. So perhaps it’s no surprise that the underwear as
outerwear trend is back. This time, however, it is less about what you see, and more about what you don’t.
People increasingly want to subtly show off their lingerie and designers are designing pieces to let them do that. But it’s not showing up for work in a
pencil skirt and a bra; it’s about giving a hint of something. Lingerie is the maximum expression of a woman’s femininity. Instead of covering a woman’s
body, designers prefer to accentuate its qualities.
At the spring/summer 2014 collections shown in Paris in October, Stella McCartney mixed her crisp suiting with sensuous lace-trimmed slip dresses and
camisoles. She wasn’t the only one to mix innerwear and outerwear. The trend has even crossed over the high street. Outerwear and lingerie will intertwine
further next season. Clothing trends on the catwalks for spring will demand a variety of lingerie solutions. Range from “look at me” items such as longline
bralets and camisoles to skin-tone pieces designed to do a disappearing act under sheer fabric.
Of course, sex and fashion have never been strangers. Some people got very extreme and that’s not necessarily sexy. I prefer to leave a little to the
Friday, June 6, 2014
Wholesale Sexy Dresses in order to Pep the Lovemaking and Existence
Wholesale Sexy Dresses in order to Pep the Lovemaking and Existence
It’s a desire virtually every woman to take a look stunning, interesting, uncovering, attractive and sexy as a way to fascinate your onlookers as well as beholders. Your at wholesale prices sexy dresses available in the market these days get rid of the particular problems of such eager girls that intend to make their particular lives exciting as well as exciting with the help of items on their individuality. Solutions that lady acquire exhausted along with fed up with his or her active fashion and also attitude and even alter their own wardrobe so that you can substitute the normal clothes with the attractive as well as beautiful clothing. This is easily produced by introducing low cost dresses to one’s clothing. Their list of wholesale dresses consist of from suppliers alluring nighties, from suppliers evening dresses, wholesale promenade attire, low cost nighttime gowns, wholesale drink attire, wholesale bridesmaid gowns as well as low cost get together gowns.
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Your at wholesale prices sexy dresses bring about significantly to make the women be ok with these people therefore increasing their particular self and the entire body esteem. These stunning outfits additionally increase the risk for ladies even more remarkable, smart, attractive and fantastic before their associates. The great assortment of your wholesale bridesmaid gowns were created especially to induce those that exist inside happy function associated with wedding party. Different types and fashions regarding veils and also frills are also attached with these wholesale bridesmaid gowns to include that added pinch associated with flavoring and also taste to this particular hot apparel option.
The different types of wholesale prom gowns, from suppliers’ evening clothes and also at wholesale prices prom clothes work best for all those high-school ladies who would like to appear and feel such as some superstar as well as romantic on prom days as well as other night functions. Seeking to about these from suppliers fun dresses like low cost prom gowns, from suppliers prom gowns, from suppliers night time dresses, at wholesale prices cocktail dresses as well as low cost party attire is that they are available in quite a few measurements, colors, forms and materials to match the needs of just about all. The wholesale sexy nighties, wholesale nighties, at wholesale prices get together dresses, at wholesale prices beverage clothes along with the from suppliers nighttime clothes brings your true enthusiastic girl in you along with increasing your sex-life with the use of wholesale sexy lingerie.
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It’s a desire virtually every woman to take a look stunning, interesting, uncovering, attractive and sexy as a way to fascinate your onlookers as well as beholders. Your at wholesale prices sexy dresses available in the market these days get rid of the particular problems of such eager girls that intend to make their particular lives exciting as well as exciting with the help of items on their individuality. Solutions that lady acquire exhausted along with fed up with his or her active fashion and also attitude and even alter their own wardrobe so that you can substitute the normal clothes with the attractive as well as beautiful clothing. This is easily produced by introducing low cost dresses to one’s clothing. Their list of wholesale dresses consist of from suppliers alluring nighties, from suppliers evening dresses, wholesale promenade attire, low cost nighttime gowns, wholesale drink attire, wholesale bridesmaid gowns as well as low cost get together gowns.
The particular from suppliers dresses of low cost tropical drink gowns, low cost evening gowns and low cost prom dresses were created through considering properly the tastes and also needs from the ladies of modern days who will be modern day along with fashionable. A few critical sides of those sexy dresses for example the fabric, stream, type as well as slashes are already effectively looked at whilst developing the particular clothes. The assistance of your professional along with skilled designers are usually consumed so your best of the at wholesale prices fun dresses may be made available to the fashionable females. These kind of at wholesale prices bash gowns, at wholesale prices night gowns, from suppliers prom clothes and also low cost outfits are generally unveiled annually with new along with newest styles and designs to be able to let the females to check all the more beautiful and also beautiful.
Your at wholesale prices sexy dresses bring about significantly to make the women be ok with these people therefore increasing their particular self and the entire body esteem. These stunning outfits additionally increase the risk for ladies even more remarkable, smart, attractive and fantastic before their associates. The great assortment of your wholesale bridesmaid gowns were created especially to induce those that exist inside happy function associated with wedding party. Different types and fashions regarding veils and also frills are also attached with these wholesale bridesmaid gowns to include that added pinch associated with flavoring and also taste to this particular hot apparel option.
The different types of wholesale prom gowns, from suppliers’ evening clothes and also at wholesale prices prom clothes work best for all those high-school ladies who would like to appear and feel such as some superstar as well as romantic on prom days as well as other night functions. Seeking to about these from suppliers fun dresses like low cost prom gowns, from suppliers prom gowns, from suppliers night time dresses, at wholesale prices cocktail dresses as well as low cost party attire is that they are available in quite a few measurements, colors, forms and materials to match the needs of just about all. The wholesale sexy nighties, wholesale nighties, at wholesale prices get together dresses, at wholesale prices beverage clothes along with the from suppliers nighttime clothes brings your true enthusiastic girl in you along with increasing your sex-life with the use of wholesale sexy lingerie.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
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